Thursday, February 20, 2014

Project 5: Interactive Book

It's basic, it's simple, but hey, so am I...
Create a 10 page book and... post it to the innerNet... all on your lonesome...
Link to it on your blogue.

Here are the basic files you'll need to do your thing...

Here are the more advanced files to continue doing your thing...

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Project 4: Wonder Buttons

Make 10 Buttons in Flash. You heard me. Go on. Do it.
We'll look at 'em on Tuesday, February 18.
Don't worry about posting these, as they won't work unless they're .swfs!!!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Project 3: Narrative Animation

Create a SHORT narrative animation, using a vocal track to tell a story, explain, or document something. Due dates:

Thursday, February 6.
     * Storyboard/animatic of your idea

Tuesday, February 11.
     * Watch a 10-20 second sequence of a film and break it down into an animatic.
     * Bonus! Make a similar animatic using your own characters but using similar cuts/shots.
     * First pass of your animation due.

Final due Thursday, February 13.

Jim Duesing's Tugging The Worm:

Caroline Leaf's The Street: