Thursday, March 6, 2014

Final Project

Jailbot presents his final project to the class. Courtesy of Superjail

Our final critique will be Thursday, March 20, at 1:00 in our usual spot.

For your final project, you'll present your... final project.
All coursework is also due on this day.
Miles will be in a deep dark place after this, so no extensions, late work, etc.
Don't worry, though, he shall emerge renewed!

Final Project options.

1. An animation.
2. An interactive project.

Go get 'em.

How to create an animatic in Premiere

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Project 5: Interactive Book

It's basic, it's simple, but hey, so am I...
Create a 10 page book and... post it to the innerNet... all on your lonesome...
Link to it on your blogue.

Here are the basic files you'll need to do your thing...

Here are the more advanced files to continue doing your thing...

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Project 4: Wonder Buttons

Make 10 Buttons in Flash. You heard me. Go on. Do it.
We'll look at 'em on Tuesday, February 18.
Don't worry about posting these, as they won't work unless they're .swfs!!!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Project 3: Narrative Animation

Create a SHORT narrative animation, using a vocal track to tell a story, explain, or document something. Due dates:

Thursday, February 6.
     * Storyboard/animatic of your idea

Tuesday, February 11.
     * Watch a 10-20 second sequence of a film and break it down into an animatic.
     * Bonus! Make a similar animatic using your own characters but using similar cuts/shots.
     * First pass of your animation due.

Final due Thursday, February 13.

Jim Duesing's Tugging The Worm:

Caroline Leaf's The Street:

Thursday, January 23, 2014


The final form of all work for this class is due on Tuesday, February 4. No late work will be accepted past that point. No extensions or excuses. If you have technical questions, ask now. All work can be revised and improved before the deadline. All work must be uploaded and posted on the web. Grading will be based on meeting the technical specifications and the depth of creative inquiry. In other words, make it better, clean it up, and present it well online.

Project 2: Cycles

Ye Olde Walk from Richard Williams' useful classic, The Animator's Survival Kit

Three things to do For Week 4!
1. Create an animated walk cycle.
2. Create an animated run cycle.
3. Create a cyclic action of your choice.
3. Create a scrolling background for your walk or run cycle.
These three things are due on Thursday, January 30.

Miles demo's the basics of creating a walk cycle:

Link to URL

And creating a scrolling background:

Link to URL

Alum Jill Bruhn does a bounce cycle...

Symbol-based dog animation from Jill AB on Vimeo.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Project 1: 100 Frames First Draft & Something You Like

Due by start of class on Tuesday, January 21

1. Make a short animation.

  • 5 - 10 seconds long.
  • Include sound.
  • Any combination of frame by frame and tweenin' is fine.
  • Convert to video and post to youtube or vimeo
  • Both your writing and your video should be posted on your blog.

Here're the basics...

2. Write about your process of creating the animation. How did it develop? What changes did you make in the process? Discuss your use of the "iterative process."

3. Write about something you like and why you like it. What are the key emotional/subconscious processes you've noticed are essential to your like/love of this something? How does your something activate your physical senses... Try to go beyond the superficial/widely accepted reasons for liking something... What are the "wrong" reasons for liking your something? Misprision, baby... Dig until you start getting somewhere unique to you... Uh like William Blake did with Milton, y'know? Yes, post this writing on your blog.

File:Milton a Poem copy D 1818 Library of Congress object 1.jpg
William Blake, Milton, c1810, etching, watercolor.

Here are the films we watched in class: